Not much talking going on as of late. Episode 4's first three matches are out and I thought all three were pretty dynamic. All three could have gone either way. Wanted to see what everyone else thought???
A VERY strong start to episode 4 with Perfection/Miss Perfect and the Zhanna/Marika Death match. I must say that Debbie/Pia was a delight to read as I predicted the wrong outcome. I think you've got a star in the making there, Bulldawg.
There are some dynamite matches from Nate in my inventory as well as the hot-topic Deven v. Candice. Who wins? Gotta wait and see, folks. Unfortunately, today is Turkey Day and I may be a bit STUFFED to be productive. Ha ha. But Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Sorry Nathan. This weekend I'm working at my paying job, so Monday is when I can resume my dream gig! I'm creating a few images before I turn in. How's that for dedication? If not for work, then I'd sign online and yak it up till 1 AM.
Oh.. and many happy returns! Look for the next update on Monday! It's either EFW or Raw? What's it gonna be? Where are your loyalties?